Original oil on canvas painting by Peter Rindlisbacher, measuring 24 X 36 inches
The U.S.S. Ohio was a ship-of-the-line launched in 1820. She was a popular command and known as a good sailor. During her career on active duty, she served in suppressing the slave trade along the African coast, in the Mexican War, on the Pacific coast, then later as a receiving ship. She survived for many years on the U.S. Navy until she was finally sold in 1883.
It was a rare combination that such a heavily armed gun platform would also be noted for excellent sailing performance. Peter chose to portray her underway in fresh conditions. From her architectural lines, he constructed a hull model, then photographed and painted it onto the canvas. With the use of a low sun angle, low viewpoint and cropped composition, Peter captured the drama and feel of a powerful sailing ship of war driving hard in open seas.
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